Game Poems is an online literary magazine dedicated to exploring the artistic and poetic potential of short-form videogames.

The videogame poem is a concept that challenges traditional boundaries between art forms. While poetry is often seen as a medium for introspection and cultural critique, videogames are typically associated with industrialism, consumerism, and resource consumption—more often about conquering worlds than contemplating them. However, these assumptions can be subverted.

Each issue of Game Poems curates an innovative collection of small, poetic videogames, or "game poems." That is, short interactive artworks that borrow language and framing from traditional videogames (e.g., they may utilize a player-controlled avatar or make use of classic videogame iconography), while also presenting themselves as poems in some way (perhaps by engaging with creative material constraints, playing with poetic text, or simply following in the lyric tradition of short-form personal expression). 

The magazine foregrounds the convergences that exist between game making and poetry, highlights "born-videogame" poetics, and promotes videogame creation as a legitimate form of poetic practice.